46 résultats affichés
Barbie Aline
(Dolls of the World)Roraima (BRA)
Barbie Analyne
(Dolls of the World)Bicol Region (PHI)
Barbie Anushka
(Dolls of the World)Ossétie du Nord-Alanie (RUS)
Barbie Caitlyn
(Dolls of the World)Pays de Galles
Barbie Chandra
(Dolls of the World)Grenade
Barbie Christine
(Dolls of the World)Central Visayas (PHI)
Barbie Daphnée
(Dolls of the World)Haifa (ISR)
Barbie Dorothée
(Dolls of the World)Languedoc-Roussillon (FRA)
Barbie Dorra
(Dolls of the World)Bremen (GER)
Barbie Elysabeth
(Dolls of the World)Tel Aviv-Yafo (ISR)
Barbie Frederika
(Dolls of the World)Rheinland-Pfalz (GER)
Barbie Freya
(Dolls of the World)New Mexico (USA)
Barbie Gwenaëlle
(Dolls of the World)Bretagne (FRA)
Barbie Hazel
(Dolls of the World)Iles Salomon
Barbie Ilinka
(Dolls of the World)Vaupés (COL)
Barbie Iris
(Dolls of the World)New Taipei (TAI)
Barbie Jeanne
(Dolls of the World)Saint Martin (FR)
Barbie Jordina
(Dolls of the World)Heredia (CRC)
Barbie Josefina
(Dolls of the World)Guerrero (MEX)
Barbie Julia
(Dolls of the World)Neuquén (ARG)
Barbie Kim
(Dolls of the World)Philippines
Barbie Kyra
(Dolls of the World)Valle del Cauca (COL)
Barbie Lara
(Dolls of the World)Paraíba (BRA)
Barbie Madeline
(Dolls of the World)Keelung (TAI)
Barbie Mathilde
(Dolls of the World)Aquitaine (FRA)
Barbie Millie
(Dolls of the World)Nunavut (CAN)
Barbie Miyu
(Dolls of the World)Kanto (JPN)
Barbie Mylène
(Dolls of the World)Goiás (BRA)
Barbie Neha
(Dolls of the World)Inde
Barbie Odile
(Dolls of the World)Putrajaya (MAS)
Barbie Poeiti
(Dolls of the World)Atoll Johnston
Barbie Queenie
(Dolls of the World)Amapá (BRA)
Barbie Rava
(Dolls of the World)Palaos
Barbie Rebecca
(Dolls of the World)Irlande du Nord
Barbie Ronja
(Dolls of the World)Småland (SWE)
Barbie Sabrina
(Dolls of the World)Rondônia (BRA)
Barbie Sarai
(Dolls of the World)Guatemala
Barbie Shirisha
(Dolls of the World)Népal
Barbie Solyna
(Dolls of the World)Cambodge
Barbie Tessa
(Dolls of the World)Cordillera Region (PHI)
Barbie Teuila
(Dolls of the World)Samoa
Barbie Tyra
(Dolls of the World)Kuala Lumpur (MAS)
Barbie Wira
(Dolls of the World)Oblast de Sverdlovsk (RUS)
Barbie Yeva
(Dolls of the World)Oblast de Sakhaline (RUS)
Barbie Zakia
(Dolls of the World)Pakistan
Barbie Zoé
(Dolls of the World)Basse Normandie (FRA)