Mostrando 1–72 de 147 resultados
Barbie Agatha
(Dooney Bourke)Malta
Barbie Aline
(Dolls of the World)Roraima (BRA)
Barbie Amy
(Navidad 2012 rerooted)Forvik
Barbie Ana Clara
(Couture Angel)Santa Catarina (BRA)
Barbie Analyne
(Dolls of the World)Bicol Region (PHI)
Barbie Anet
(Twilight)Královéhradecký (CZE)
Barbie Anika
(It s a Girl)Islandia
Barbie Anita
(Gabby Douglas)Sudán del Sur
Barbie Annabelle
(On Location)New Jersey (USA)
Barbie Ava
(Grace Kelly)New York (USA)
Barbie Belle
(It s a Girl)Svalbard & Jan Mayen
Barbie Berenice
(Celebrate Disco)Córdoba (ARG)
Barbie Brenda
Barbie Caitlyn
(Dolls of the World)Gales
Barbie Camila
(Happy Birthday Ken)Argentina
Barbie Catalina
Barbie Céleste
(Navidad 2013)Puglia (ITA)
Barbie Chandra
(Dolls of the World)Granada
Barbie Clarice
(Navidad 2017)Minas Gerais (BRA)
Barbie Dalila
(Rose Splendor)Nitra (SLK)
Barbie Dana
(Pop Culture)Israel
Barbie Daphnée
(Dolls of the World)Haifa (ISR)
Barbie Dorothée
(Dolls of the World)Languedoc-Roussillon (FRA)
Barbie Elizamara
(Couture Angel)Albania
Barbie Elsa
(E! Live Red Carpet)Río Negro (ARG)
Barbie Else
(Holiday 2010)Gästrikland (SWE)
Barbie Elysabeth
(Dolls of the World)Tel Aviv-Yafo (ISR)
Barbie Ersi
(Navidad 2012 rerooted)Kosovo
Barbie Estefania
(My Melody)Nova Scotia (CAN)
Barbie Evgeniya
(Hello Kitty)Brandenburg (GER)
Barbie Frederika
(Dolls of the World)Rheinland-Pfalz (GER)
Barbie Gisele
(Pop Culture)Brasil
Barbie Glwadys
(Fan BingBing)Taipei (TAI)
Barbie Grazziella
(Birthday Wishes 2017)Franche-Comté (FRA)
Barbie Gwenaëlle
(Dolls of the World)Bretagne (FRA)
Barbie Hadeel
(On Location)Bahrein
Barbie Hailey
(Faith Hill)Marlborough (NZE)
Barbie Hayden
(University)Arkansas (USA)
Barbie Hazel
(Dolls of the World)Islas Salomón
Barbie Helga
(Heidi Klum)Alemania
Barbie Ingrid
(The Wizard of Oz)Paraguay
Barbie Ioulia
(Navidad 2013)Óblast de Kostromá (RUS)
Barbie Iris
(Dolls of the World)New Taipei (TAI)
Barbie Isabelle
(Birthday Wishes 2016)British Columbia (CAN)
Barbie Isadora
(Navidad 2017)Bahia (BRA)
Barbie Ivana
(Pop Culture)Serbia
Barbie Jeanne
(Dolls of the World)Isla de San Martín (FR)
Barbie Jeisa
(Florida)Saskatchewan (CAN)
Barbie Jelena
(Navidad 2008)Montenegro
Barbie Jenny
(Zodiac)Antigua y Barbuda
Barbie Jordina
(Dolls of the World)Heredia (CRC)
Barbie Josefina
(Dolls of the World)Guerrero (MEX)
Barbie Jovana
(Dynasty Alexis)Macedonia del Norte
Barbie Julia
(Dolls of the World)Neuquén (ARG)
Barbie Justine
(Go Red)Bourgogne (FRA)
Barbie Katie
(Birthstone 2003)Escocia
Barbie Kenza
(Dallas Cowboy)Seychelles
Barbie Keyah
(Rose Splendor)Mombasa (KEN)
Barbie Kiki
(Navidad 2014)Tonga
Barbie Kim
(Dolls of the World)Filipinas
Barbie Kristel
(On Location)República de Crimea (RUS)
Barbie Kysha
(Zodiac)Meta (COL)
Barbie Lanna
(University)Heves (HUN)
Barbie Lara
(Dolls of the World)Paraíba (BRA)
Barbie Leïla
(University)Óblast de Volgogrado (RUS)
Barbie Lenka
(On Location)República Checa
Barbie Lily
(Birthday Wishes 2014)China
Barbie Liora
(Grease)Har Hebron (ISR)
Barbie Lorena
(Birthday Wishes 2017)Alagoas (BRA)
Barbie Lou
(Goldie Hawn)Limousin (FRA)